Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Haven’t been updating my blog in a long time, I’m greatly sorry to my followers. Well, guess what? I’m updating from the hospital bed in Ampang Puteri. Reasons for me to be warded? Easy…. unimaginable pain that can’t be tolerate anymore.

 Oh now I know how the character ximen in F4 feel … heheheeh

my first love? well he's more me than my first love

Anyway I’m alone in the hospital. My mom accompanies me during the day. Hey I’m a big girl already. No need teman2. How lonely was Heechul when he was hospitalized.

Oppa kesian nyer…
can't find his pic in the hospital... so put a macho one instead

I got a funny rumate. Well its more like she was my mom’s rumate when she was hospitalized. What a miss chatterbox. Its fun having her… but I think most people know that I’m not really a talkative person to people I don’t really know… her life is very…… interesting…. I guess I could categorize her as a good story teller…. She’s unique…

bye2 cik… she’s going back tomorrow

Anyway I’ll update again later.. I promise I’ll update earlier than later….

aki chan/ little pumpkin  ( my aunty calls me that . miss her... )

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

rambling in class

Fun.. fun.. fun

am i a fun person? sorry to say.. i'm not.. heheheh gomen..
but i'm a weired in some kind of way. onegai... understand me.. heheh
coz ... i am who i am....

lei... we need to go shopping!!! where?
at DEES heheheheeh

jom gi cari baju raya......

Sunday, August 9, 2009


siting in class... wondering ... reading...about?
debate.. debate... debate...
can i do it?

woow if i really go for royals n go against UKM ...
i maybe going to see Dwee.. Honey Dew!!!!

miss u guys....


i'm gettin ready to meet my ex roomate...
i'm buying her flower for her convocation...
hmmmm i wonder would anybody ever buy me flowers...

Saturday, August 8, 2009


what is it there to explain.
its just water secrete from your eyes..
water that cointains extra salt from your body,
water that cointains joy, sadness or anger...
water that are currently running down my cheeks...
dropping on the keys...
its nothing but water....

Saturday, May 16, 2009

sChOOl 'n' fOrm 6.....

Well... its the end of another week....

This week i went to school to see the lower six and upper six student of my beloved school... TIGS....
On Tuesday, my school counsellor ask me and a few of my friend to give a talk to the new student for lower sis students... the only problem is that i only receive the message after midnight...i didn't really have time to prepare any formal speech... so i just went there unprepared... which is something i dont reallyy like doing.....
anyway... i came on Wednesday and the talk was held at the school hall... there were only about 50 students that entered the lower six (well less 50 from what i saw)
i taught i could just see my friends talk n just chat with the juniors.. but my dear friend husna ask me to speak 1st... now that i got SKY's talking germ.... i ended the one talking 1/2 the time.
i did try to convince them to stay in TIGS and the memories i had in school were priceless.....
then we did an Q&A session... there were question on how we studied certain subjects n how we manage to read all those thick 'dictionaries' heheh i mean books... it was funny to answer those questions since i was not really the study hard type..... the talk end at 3 something... in the afternoon... it was a funny experience. the juniors ask for our phone numbers and emails so that they can contact us.... ( we used to do that too ).

then we went to search our fav teacher who was like a mentor, mother and friend. we went for late lunch and she ask a favor from us to give a talk ... this time to the upper six students whose gong to fave the STPM exams.... it seems that there not 'semangat' enough and still playing around as if there is a year left.... we agreed to help her as she had done so many things for us... SAYANG CIKGU SIDAH......

so on friday we went again to school. and we gave almost the same talk... and again i started it first... blerghhh... but i'm not sure if they got our message... waht i saw that they were not united as classmates n their study. they were not like us... they seems to think that tey can learn on their own without the teachers n friends help. well for STPM u cant do that... u'll die....

Wahai adik2 yang disayangi dengar kata guru2 mu... bincanglah dgn sahabat2 mu sesungguhnya mereka yg membantu dan membentukmu menjadi insan yang berjaya....

i hope the girls get what we were trying to tell them......
i wanted to pu some pictures but i havent got it from mira yet... so just upload it later i guess...
i guess thats all for today.... i'll write again tomorrow or on monday...
till i'll write again...

adieu... ^v^

Monday, May 11, 2009

the recap of my week....

lets see.... i havent been updating my blog.... and its still under construction....
well... i'm always have been slow in this kind of stuff...

what i've done.....

1. went out with my best friend Lei/ Ana
did a little shopping ( a pair of slippers n a jacket... well more like a sweater) not that I shop a lot
2. started my driving class but not the bike... yet...
3.went out with my god sis last sunday n watch wolverin ( sis, me n lei)
4.found my password 4 my blog, myspace, n asianfnatics( too many passwords ^-^ )
5.i've found a layout that i love but i havent got all the links for the images...
6. starting to continue my writing

i guess thats all for last week... i'm not sure what i'll be doing this week. but my goal is to finishup lei's present... hope she'll love it....

thats all
adieu..... ^v^

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

cuma perlu berkata... the need to talk....

Terus terang… ader banyak lagi blog yg telah kutulis drafnyer tapi x publish lagi….. tapi hari ini aku per bercakap….. terlebih dahulu maafkan diriku jika hari ini bahasa aku agak rojak dan bercampur. Sememangnyer bila bercelaru fikiranku… kata2ku juga bergitu…
Ahad yang lepas majority budak TESL telah menyertai tournament bowling… tapi aku terpaksa mengikuti lawatan kerana assgment. Aku sangkakan semua akan happy berlaka… tapi banyak kisah disebaliknyer….
Hari isnin ….like usual it’s the Monday blues…. Tapi cube berfikiran positif…. Tapi aku gagal sejak jam 12.30 pagi lagi…. Hari ahad malam isnin….aku rasa disini bermulanyer hari yg muram ini. Aku sebenarnya demam, selesema, dan batuk. Tiga penyakit yg amat aku tidak suka apabila ia berlaku serentak. Masalah pertama bagi Monday blues aku…. 1)My roommate. Bagi mereka yg mengebali diriku… aku jarang dan kalau boleh tidak suka berkata buruk mengenai sesiapa…. Aku seorang yg jenis tak kisah…. Yg penting orang lain selesa dgn diriku…. My roommate. Jing jie-jie (xyah nama betul) nak menonton cerita dvd krea… dvd player di laptop nyer buat hal.. so… as a good junior and roommate,.. aku mengofferkan laptop ku… itu bukan menjadi masalah nyer…. Namun dier menonton cerita tersebut hingga lima pagi di meja study ku… because of that my study lamp need to be switch on. Bayangkan lah… diri anda yg demam… suhu badan yg tidak menentu sepanjang malam disilau dgn lampu meja study… dlm keadaan badan yg mengataka “sleep… rest…” tetapi dirimu tidak boleh tidur…. Akhirnyer aku dapat tidur dgn agak lena selepas 5.30 pagi… dengan ‘melepaskan’ subuh… aku bangun pukul 8 pagi kerana terpakasa berkejar bas ke FBMK pukul 9.
Monday blues aku yg ke 2) rakan menceritakan kisah…. Ok disini aku perlu menegaskan bahawa saya hanyalah pendengar dan ti dak terlibat langsung atau secara tidak langsung dengan kejadian yg bakal aku cerita…. Salah seorang classmates aku bagi tahu yg dier gaduh besar dgn class rep aku. Part tue aku x terkejut sgt becoz… mereke mmg selalu x sebulu pun…. Spisies pun tidak…. Aku tidak menjadi judgemental pada masa itu… so just mendengar…. Selalu nyer class rep nie duduk disebelahku di kelas ini… aku bercadang untk bertanya kan hal yg telah berlaku. Namun apabia dier masuk kelas… terus berjalan ke belakang dengan muka yg kurang beremosi..(slalu nyer ini bermakna dier bengang atau risau) selepas habis kelas aku hanya meningatkan pesanan. Time ini class rep aku x leh dikacau takut aku jd mangsa…heheheheh…. So aku kurang senang apabila raka sekelas… rakan sepasukan… rakan… tidak bertegur antara satu sama lain….
Monday blues aku yg ketiga terjadi ketika lunch hour… aku tidak perlu bercerita panjang didini apa yg berlaku… yg pasti aku rasa teramat tension dan tetiba merasakan diri ini seperti selfish keran enggan membantu….
Selepas itu kelas yg terakhir melengkapkan Monday blues aku yg ke 4) keadaan classmates…. Aku x tau kenapa…. Tapi aku merasakan semua orang tgh temper pada masa ini… aku melihat bagaimana class rep aku sem lepas dan se mini hampir bergaduh. Aku melihat sekeliling rakan2 ku semua seperti berada dlm keadaan dalam yg sgt tegang… jika satu masalah kecil pun will make us very emotional…. Perasaan ini membuat aku lagi tertekan… kenapa? X tahu mengapa… namun sejak kecil aku tidak suka orang disekeliling aku tertekan… kerana apabila mereka tertekan… aku turut tertekan… tidak aku tidak dating dr broken family…. Cuma aku tidak tinggal dgn mereka …. Jadi rakan2 dan org sekeliling aku mmg memainkan peranan yg besar sewaktu aku membesar….

Semua Monday blues pada hari itu mneyebabkan perasaan aku haru biru…. Aku seperti orang yg agak tidak siuman kerana aku berasa seperti nak menjerit… marah.. kemudian menangis.. namun aku tidak berbuat demikian… kerana aku masih mampu mengawal nyer….
Kuliah ku habis pada pukul 7 malam…. Sememnagnyer that day was a very emotional draining day….. aku pulang cube hang put dgn floormate namun x menjadi… so aku menelefon MZ….. bukan untuk mengadu… just nak dgr sesuatu benda yg x ader langsung kene mengena dgn aku… selepas berbual dgn mz hati aku sedikit tenteram…..

Apaer yg boleh aku simpulkan disini adalah aku amat bersyukur bahawa cutu bakal menjelang… kerana semua orang perlukan break ini…. Masih terlalu awal tuk aku menghakimi rakan2 aku….. aku harap aku dapat memahami mereka dan membuat tali persahabtan yg amat kukuh dan boleh berkekalan….
Itu Cuma harapanku…..